Framework Shared Printer Info

Apple computer users will need to download and install the printer drivers in order to print using the shared Framework printer resources. Please follow the instructions below and email if you run into any problems.

  1. Download the driver files:
    Framework Mac Printer Driver Download
  2. Double click on the ZIP file to expand it.
  3. Double click on Kyocera OS X 10.8+ Web build 2018.05.09 2.dmg to open the software package
  4. Double click on Kyocera OS X 10.8+ Web build 2018.05.09.pkg to start the installer
  5. Press the Continue or Install button on each screen of the installer.
  6. Once the installation is complete, go to System Preferences > Printers & Scanners (or “Print & Fax” on older OSX versions). Make sure you are connected to the Framework WiFi network and press the + button to add the printer.

For more detailed instructions and options, see the PDF files included in the installer package download.